Who Are We?

Bryan and Sam are two creative fellows that spend what little free time they have making flash cartoons. Working hundreds of miles apart, they publish these cartoons on the world wide web to be enjoyed by anyone that stumbles upon them; they have been doing so for five years.

Bryan, as the only member of the team with artistic ability, carries most of the work load. He puts the "cartoon" in "cartooning." Sam writes the bulk of the cartoons and provides creative input/criticism throughout the animation process.


June 28, 2008

Sam's Vlog - Episode 4.

This episode's all about coffee. Sweet, delicious, trustworthy coffee.

Enjoy :)

Talk Bryan: HyperactiveYouth@gmail.com
Talk To Sam: Overbite6014@gmail.com
Site Designed and Maintained by Sam A. Template Modified: Sand Dollar